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Dealing with Mistrust in Marriage: Tips and Strategies

By: Dr. Laura Bennett , a certified Reiki Master and holistic sexuality counselor

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Mistrust in marriage is often the leading cause of its breakdown. While infidelity might be the breaking point, issues likely existed long before. Addressing marital problems early on is crucial to prevent infidelity and further complications.

To avoid infidelity, ensure that both you and your partner address any issues causing tension in the relationship. Ignoring problems will only make them fester and grow. Confront issues directly to prevent them from escalating.

An affair is usually a symptom of deeper marital problems. If there is an emotional gap between you and your partner, it creates an opportunity for an affair to begin. Have an honest conversation with your partner about how you feel. If you believe the relationship is not as it should be, be upfront and sincere.

If you need more quality time with your partner, communicate this to them. Make plans and create ideas for spending quality time together. Spending time together can help bridge the gaps in a relationship.

Another common cause of infidelity is financial stress. Money issues can lead people to seek comfort outside their marriage. If you’re struggling with financial burdens, discuss them with your partner. Trying to handle these problems alone will only make them worse. Seeking comfort from someone outside the marriage will only harm your relationship.

If mistrust has already become a reality and you want to save your marriage, you’ll need to act quickly. First, end the relationship with the third party and ensure your partner knows it. Apologize for your mistake and explain why you made it. Honest communication can pave the way for forgiveness over time.

Continuous lying and repeated betrayal will erode trust and make forgiveness impossible. Clearly and truthfully explain your mistake, and show your partner that you are committed to not repeating it.

Keeping It Strong and Healthy

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If you’re married or considering marriage, and want to know the best ways to keep a relationship strong, healthy, and happy, consider the following tips:

Many people are kind, loving, and patient when they first start dating, but this often fades over time. Being aware of this potential and actively working against it can help maintain a strong relationship.

Negative traits and habits often creep into relationships by default. Paying attention and addressing these issues early can prevent them from becoming major problems.

It’s also important to have fun with your spouse. A friend of mine was married to a man who enjoyed many sports but never included his wife in these activities. This led to a weak bond and ultimately the dissolution of their marriage. Sharing fun and enjoyable times together, not just daily chores, is crucial for a strong relationship.

Having children can also introduce stress into a marriage. It’s important to discuss and align your parenting views before having children. Good communication skills developed prior to parenthood can help navigate the challenges of raising children.

Remember that your partner is a trusted friend. Talk to them, not at them, and make time for fun together.

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Relationship Advice Online

At some point, many of us will face difficulties in our relationships. Seeking relationship advice online can be helpful.

Talking things over with family and friends can provide support, but sometimes unbiased advice is needed. Professional counselors or therapists can offer objective guidance, but choose carefully, especially with faith-based counselors who might have biases.

Online resources like forums, chat rooms, and blogs can also be valuable. They allow for anonymous sharing, which can encourage honesty and help in making necessary changes.

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Relationship Couples

Many couples make relationships more complicated than they need to be. Think of your relationship as a stone wall—each hurtful action adds a stone. Apologizing and making changes can remove stones, but continued hurtful actions will build a wall too high to climb.

To prevent this, communicate openly and remember that your partner has feelings too. Avoid making everything about yourself and recognize your partner’s perspective. This can help you stay on the same page.


Tips to Save Your Relationship After Infidelity

If you’re trying to save your relationship after infidelity, there is hope. First, ensure you are fully committed to saving the relationship. End the affair and break off all contact with the third party. Explain to your partner why you had the affair and take responsibility for your actions.

Rebuilding trust will take time and patience. Be prepared to work hard and possibly seek outside help if needed. Relationships can be saved after infidelity if both partners are committed.


Coping with Breakups

Dealing with breakups is traumatic, regardless of whether you were ready for it or not. If your relationship is ending, avoid creating drama and accept the breakup gracefully. Reflect on why the relationship ended to learn for the future.

If the relationship is worth saving, take steps to rekindle it. If not, give yourself time to grieve and move on.

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Emotional Infidelity

Emotional infidelity occurs when someone in a committed relationship forms an emotional attachment with a third person. This can escalate into a physical affair and threaten the primary relationship.

If you’re hiding a friendship from your partner, ask yourself why. Be honest with your partner and avoid emotional attachments that can lead to infidelity.

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Be Careful with Affairs

When a marriage is in trouble, an affair might seem appealing, but it complicates things further. Remember the promises you made and work through problems with your spouse. If you’ve already started an affair, weigh your options honestly.

Affairs can be devastating, and working through marital issues is often the better choice.

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Is it Possible to Continue Your Relationship After Cheating?

Deciding whether to continue a relationship after cheating involves many factors. Consider whether you want to stay in the relationship and if it’s viable long-term. Rebuilding trust takes time and effort. Seek help if needed and be patient with the process.

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Dr. Laura Bennett is a certified Reiki Master and holistic sexuality counselor with over 20 years of experience in energy healing and sexual wellness. She holds a Ph.D. in Holistic Health and specializes in integrating Reiki practices with sexual wellness to help individuals and couples deepen their connections, enhance intimacy, and heal from past traumas. Dr. Bennett leads workshops and private sessions that focus on balancing energy, fostering emotional intimacy, and cultivating a harmonious sexual relationship.

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