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Sleeping Well


Sleep is a partial or a complete unconsciousness in which voluntary muscles of the body are not active. It is not a coma or hibernation, but a type of it. It is the rest cycle of our body. Doctors say that it is a period in which our body is growing and gets repaired. New cells and muscles are produced in this period. It is necessary to have a sound sleep at night to be healthy.

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Basics about Sleeping

Sleep is initiated by a set of hormones. These hormones set our body for sleep. There is 80% of the time without dreams, called NREM (non-rapid eye movement). Dreams take place during REM. In NREM, the heart beats and breathing rates are slow. Blood pressure also goes down in this phase. NERM is divided into 4 phases, but after some time it was reduced to three.

Sleep Stages

Stage 1: It is usually the start of sleep. In this stage, theta rays are emerging while alpha rays vanish. People who arouse from this stage feel that they have not slept. Sometimes in this phase, our body feels hypnic jerks.

Stage 2: In this stage, no eye movement takes place. Dreaming is also rare in this stage. People can be awakened easily from this stage.

Stage 3: In this phase, deep sleep takes place. Dreaming is done in this stage. It is a less memorable stage. This and dreams happening in this phase are not usually memorized.

On the other side, REM sleep is called a normal sleep, making between 20-25% of the whole time. This stage is characterized by a low muscle tone. Resting takes place in this particular stage. A healthy human has 3 to 5 REM sessions between a proper sleeping session. Brain neurons are also awake in this period as our mind is in working condition. Our body feels relaxed and muscles are also in their relaxed position. That’s why we feel fresh and energetic after a sleeping period.


Right Sleep and Its Importance

It is important to sleep right. Here are certain points we must know about the right sleep covering its important fundamentals:

  1. Impaired memory
  2. Incapability to multitask
  3. Slow speech
  4. Moodiness and irritability

The amount of sleep that someone needs varies from age to age and person to person. Some people need less sleep while some need a long period of sleep. From a common research, an adult needs 8 hours of sleep at least while others require 6 to 10 hours. Every person varies in this period.


Sleep Deprivation and Its Effect on Our Body

Disturbance in sleep can have a bad effect on our body. It makes us sick and unhealthy. We feel lazy and our abilities are also disturbed.

1. Our Immune System: The immune system is the defense system of a body. It fights against diseases. If we are not getting enough sleep, then our defense system will also become weak. It needs repairing which is done in the sleeping process. If we are not sleeping enough, then it will not work efficiently. That’s dangerous for our health.

2. Metabolism System: Our metabolism needs maintenance. This is done in the sleeping time. So if we are not sleeping, then our metabolism will not work accurately.

3. Cardiovascular System: This system consists of blood vessels, capillaries, and arteries. Blood circulates between these vessels. This system is also attached and is affected by our sleeping time. If we are sleeping enough time, then this system will work fine.

4. Nervous System: Our nervous system is the busiest system in the body. It works all the time. When we sleep, some of its parts are relaxed. This is enough for its fine working. So we have to sleep to make our body’s system perfect.

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Effect of Drinks on Our Body

We should know what we are drinking and what their effects are on our sleep. Try to learn about these little things and it will help you a lot.

Coffee: Coffee is a common thing in everyone’s life. The main ingredient of coffee is caffeine. Research about coffee has proved that it leads to sleeping disorders. If you want to leave it, then it is the right time. Start with a small basis and then leave it completely. It will make you healthy and will be good for your future as well. Make your day energized while leaving this bad habit. A proper sleep will make you energetic.

Alcohol: It is a common saying that having alcohol before sleep will make you more relaxed but it is not true. It can be addictive and can disturb your sleeping pattern and timing. It is not good to be addicted to anything. Try to take a natural sleep instead of taking different sleeping pills and using alcohol. People who use these methods are deprived of rapid eye movement sleep.

Snoring and its relation with alcohol: People think that they will sleep immediately after drinking alcohol, but it is not true. Alcohol makes you addicted. Due to addiction, you feel relaxed after drinking alcohol and you think that it really makes you relax. These are two totally different things. Alcohol is not good for our body. It does not give you the real sleeping experience and that’s why you feel lazy after eight to nine hours of sleep. It makes you snore while sleeping. If you are not a regular snorer then it will make you a regular one. It makes the nasal passage and throat relax and that’s why tissues vibrate and snoring sound comes. If you want to attend a meeting in the morning, then you have to be active and energetic, but you cannot do so if you drink alcohol before sleeping. Try to change your routine and be active.

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Exercise That Is Important for Sleep

The most common problem related to sleep is insomnia. It is known as the incapability to sleep. Your sleep quality and position when you get in the morning is important for you. If you sleep 8 hours, but still feel lazy in the morning or feel that you have not slept the whole night then you have insomnia. People reporting to this sleeping disorder usually resort to medication. The drawback of medication is that they become a bad habit or addiction. There are some other things that can solve your problem in a more positive and healthy way.

Stress relaxation exercises: Relaxation is the key to sleep. If you want to sleep without taking pills and alcohol, then try to relax yourself. Count backward. It will make you bored and you will feel relaxed and will enjoy a good sleep at the end. It will make your nerves relax. It will deactivate your extra nerves which are not letting you sleep.

Breathing exercise: You can also breathe deeply to involve the rib cage, lower back, and chest. Through this, you will inhale more oxygen and your mind will feel relaxed. This will be the start of a healthy sleeping period. The more oxygen you inhale, the more your mind will get the oxygen. It will be refreshing for the nerves and your brain. That’s the best way to feel relaxed and it will be helpful for you to get rid of sleeping disorders.

Muscle relaxation exercise: Muscle relaxation exercise is also a good option. Try to relax your muscles. If your muscles are relaxed then you will not take any time to enter into the dreamland. When your muscles are relaxed then your level of tension is also decreased. This is the main reason that you fall asleep. Try to keep yourself calm as much as you can. It will help you to enjoy a good sleep and mental satisfaction. When you are in a normal relaxed position, try to get a more relaxed position. It will help you to feel energized in the morning.

Have a Look at Your Diet

Try to check your daily diet. Diet can change your lifestyle. Try to know about the positive and negative aspects of your diet that you take on a daily basis. Try to have a diet plan and eat a healthy diet in order to enjoy a healthy life.

Proteins and carbohydrates: Rich carbohydrate diets will make you sleep easily. Pastas and bread are known as carbohydrate diets. They make a perfect relationship with proteins and these both things will make you sleep in no time and you will feel fresh in the morning. These are the things that should be part of your daily life. Always have fresh vegetables and meat in your diet so that little things and sleeping problems will vanish automatically.

Dairy Foods: Cheese, yogurt, and milk should be in your diet plan. These foods are rich in tryptophan. It is a type of amino acid which converts to serotonin and melatonin. These both are considered good sleep inducers.

Peanuts, Poultry, Bananas, and Oats: These things increase your tryptophan level. It will help you to sleep without taking any sleeping pills. Do add these things to your regular diet.

Spicy foods: Spicy foods are not good for sleep. They will not make you feel relaxed, which will result in insomnia. So try to avoid these types of food before sleeping.

Try to Wind Down

Winding down is the best way to feel relaxed and calm. Try to make yourself relax. It is an essential element for proper sleep. Watch TV and make yourself relax. There are some tips to become relaxed at the end of the day.

Pamper yourself: Try to relax yourself at the end of the day by taking a shower. It will be a little exercise for your body and also becomes a source of muscle relaxation. After taking a shower, apply your favorite lotion and dry your hair. It will make you relax and you will sleep with a relaxed mind.

Breathe deeply: Breathing deeply will add relaxation to your mind. It will add more pleasure to your life. Try to inhale more oxygen and it will make you energetic.

Read something: Reading is also a good habit before sleeping. It will relax your mind to make you feel good. Any book by your favorite author will be a good choice for you.

Try to set a sleeping schedule: Try to have a schedule regarding your daily routine. When you have a schedule to follow then you will feel good at the end. Make a schedule of your daily routine with great care. Do give 8 hours minimum to your sleep. When you sleep, you have the calm position about your muscles and your mind. It will help you to make your decisions and you will feel energized in the morning because you slept well at night.

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Try to Make Your Room Comfortable

Try to make your room in a way that when you enter, you feel relaxed. Manage each and everything of your life. Make your room comfortable and it will be a good sign for your sleeping period. It should not be noisy and smelly. The more your room is relaxing, the more you will feel relaxed.

Why and When Do We Need Doctors?

If we are struggling with some sleeping problems and we personally try to overcome our problems, sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn’t work. We have to keep this in our mind that it is also a disease. Then we should immediately contact our doctor and should be treated as a patient. It is in our great favor. We should consult the doctor as soon as possible because health is everything. We can enjoy our life only if we are healthy. We should keep this in our mind.

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Dr. Amanda Green is an expert in stress management and sexual health education, holding a Ph.D. in Psychology. She has dedicated her career to helping individuals manage stress to improve their overall well-being and intimate relationships. Dr. Green offers workshops and private consultations that teach mindfulness and relaxation techniques specifically designed to reduce stress and enhance sexual intimacy.

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